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In every Cryptocurrency, each transaction included in the ledger needs to be uniquely identified by an id, which is generally a hash digest of the transaction data. A cryptocurrency provides transaction signature segregation if it excludes the transaction signature when computing the transaction id. This has two benefits: it allows signatures to be removed from […]
By Gabriel Kurman. A few weeks ago I had the possibility to visit multiple European cities to participate in Blockchain conferences and meetups, and get to know the local Bitcoin and Blockchain communities. My first stop was at the amazing World Blockchain Forum organized by Keynote. With more than 600 participants from more than 40 […]
Bogota, Colombia — October 13th, 2017. It was not yet another tech conference and definitely it was not a regular industry conference. I had the pleasure and the opportunity of being part of the largest FinTech conference in Latin America organized by the most active early-stage tech investor in the region, NXTP Labs. I was […]
Hoy comienza el primer curso intensivo técnico sobre Blockchain y contratos inteligentes en la ONG Bitcoin Argentina, ubicada en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los asistentes que aprueben la evaluación final recibirán un certificado digital de aptitud académica avalado por la ONG Bitcoin Argentina, RSK y ATIX LABS que podrá ser consultado en la cadena […]
A new RSK Ginger release has been published in our Github repo. This release introduces peer scoring (initial implementation), missing block validations, technical debt improvements and fixes minor issues detected in previous versions. This is a summary of the changes included in this version: Add peer scoring (#151). Replace Jetty with Netty as JSON-RPC Server (#156). Remove […]
Hace unas semanas participé en meetups en Varsovia, Londres y París donde tuve la posibilidad de compartir diversos conceptos como la visión de RSK, el presente y el futuro de nuestra plataforma y la Internet del Valor. La respuesta de todos los asistentes sobre los contratos inteligentes asegurados por la red de Bitcoin fue muy […]
A couple of weeks ago I had a fantastic experience during the “RSK European Tour”, attending meetups in Warsaw, London and Paris. I had the chance to present RSK and talk about the Internet of Value and our platform’s present and future. The good vibe about the Smart Contracts powered by Bitcoin network was incredible. Almost everyone […]
By Diego G. Zaldívar Intermediation has been key to the building of the global society we live in today. Human based trust has enabled the construction of the global economy and has also allowed democracies to continue thriving, as we know them today. With that said, intermediation has also failed us when middlemen decide to […]
A new RSK Ginger release has been published in our Github repo. This release introduces segwit support in merge mining functionality and includes some improvements and bug fixes. This is a summary of the changes included in this version: Add support for IPv6 addresses in bootstrap nodes (#138). Use connection IP in peer discovery process […]
Por Henry Sraigman. Siglo XXI, 7,4 mil millones de personas habitan el mundo. Siglo XXI, la población mundial ha crecido más en los últimos cincuenta años que a lo largo de toda la historia. El nuevo siglo presenta un escenario donde el 50% de la población global se encuentra fuera del sistema financiero tradicional. En […]