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Mantenha-se informado com as últimas novidades da Rootstock (RSK)

6 Outubro, 2017

A couple of weeks ago I had a fantastic experience during the “RSK European Tour”, attending meetups in Warsaw, London and Paris. I had the chance to present RSK and talk about the Internet of Value and our platform’s present and future. The good vibe about the Smart Contracts powered by Bitcoin network was incredible. Almost everyone […]

RSK, allowing technology to reach the masses.
15 Setembro, 2017

By Diego G. Zaldívar Intermediation has been key to the building of the global society we live in today. Human based trust has enabled the construction of the global economy and has also allowed democracies to continue thriving, as we know them today. With that said, intermediation has also failed us when middlemen decide to […]

Ginger Release v0.2.4
5 Setembro, 2017

A new RSK Ginger release has been published in our Github repo. This release introduces segwit support in merge mining functionality and includes some improvements and bug fixes. This is a summary of the changes included in this version: Add support for IPv6 addresses in bootstrap nodes (#138). Use connection IP in peer discovery process […]

Bitcoin, Blockchain e inclusión financiera.
2 Agosto, 2017

Por Henry Sraigman. Siglo XXI, 7,4 mil millones de personas habitan el mundo. Siglo XXI, la población mundial ha crecido más en los últimos cincuenta años que a lo largo de toda la historia. El nuevo siglo presenta un escenario donde el 50% de la población global se encuentra fuera del sistema financiero tradicional. En […]

Ginger Release V0.2.3
11 Julho, 2017

A new RSK Ginger release has been published in our Github repo. This release focuses on performance and sync improvements, and fixes some bugs we’ve found since last release. This is a summary of the changes included in this version: Total difficulty was not being properly loaded when resuming from an existent local blockchain (#124). […]

Ginger Release v0.2.1
7 Junho, 2017

A new RSK Ginger release has been published in our Github repo. This release focuses on performance and stability improvements, faster sync and the possibility of starting node using an existent blockchain database. This is a summary of the changes included in this version: It is now possible to resume node preserving the state of […]

Research News >> Ephemeral data and the Schrödinger’s paradox
5 Junho, 2017

Most smart contracts perform computations based on information coming from the outside world. This data must be transferred to the platform through the transaction layer. The cost of such transfers is generally significant, because the platform must price several factors into transfers. Every byte transferred: consumes bandwidth. delays block propagation (because it increases the inter-node […]

RSK announces the global release of Ginger, the open source Testnet
23 Maio, 2017

At #Consensus2017, RSK presented Ginger, the public release of the open source Testnet. This platform adds more functionalities to the Bitcoin network such as smart contracts, greater scalability and a new revenue stream for miners. The RSK platform is powered by Bitcoin, the most secure distributed network in the world. With Ginger, users will be […]

RSK releases Ginger, the open source public Testnet
22 Maio, 2017

We’re excited to announce we are open sourcing the RSK platform client today. We’re very happy to share all the work we’ve done so far and the challenges we face in a more open way. This release, codenamed Ginger, is the first step to bring smart contracts into the Bitcoin ecosystem, based on three main […]

RSK Research News > Storage rent
4 Abril, 2017

This is the first of a series of articles I will be posting during 2017. I want developers and users to understand the benefits and the uniqueness of RSK platform design. The topics I plan to cover in this and subsequent posts relate to improvements to full node technologies: consensus, security, privacy, scalabilty, auditability, and […]