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Bamboo Release v0.4.4 Is Here
11 Julho, 2018

RSK Bamboo v0.4.4 is now available in our Github repo. This release is mainly focused on performance improvements, reducing block processing and blockchain synchronization times. This is a summary of the changes included in this version: Bridge performance improvements (#585) Added onBestBlock event (#587) Remove tx execution on tx pool addition (#596) Consider networkId parameter in […]

How Can RSK and The Smart Contracts Revolution Mitigate Market Inefficiencies?
6 Julho, 2018

One of the main goals of Blockchain technologies is to eliminate many of the typical market inefficiencies. So which are these typical market inefficiencies? 1 – High Costs of Intermediation Traditional intermediation costs are in many cases ridiculously expensive. In order to clarify, let’s think about a couple of examples: Stock Brokerage Fees Bank Wires […]

Can Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology Generate Better Monetary Policies?
29 Junho, 2018

Centralized monetary systems have shown us many times along history that they have major flaws. Constant debt acquisition or accelerated issuance and inflation are always a bad recipe. The centralized traditional monetary system has some structural flaws that generate asymmetrical wealth transfer cycles consolidating more power into fewer hands each time the cycle is repeated. […]

The design of Bitcoin Merkle trees reduces the security of SPV clients
22 Junho, 2018

This article describes a weakness in the design of Bitcoin Merkle trees that reduces the security of SPV (Simple Payment Verification) clients. By exploiting the weakness, an attacker can simulate a payment of arbitrary amount to a victim using a SPV wallet, and trick the victim into accepting it as valid (a “Fake Transaction Attack” […]

Bamboo Release V0.4.3 Is Here
14 Junho, 2018

A new RSK Bamboo release has been made available in our Github repo. Bamboo v0.4.3 introduces support for pub/sub using subscriptions (‘newHeads’), improves usage of configuration settings and fixes minor issues detected in previous versions. Important note: This version introduces several changes in configuration file. We’ve made available a very simple tool that makes configuration migration […]

Why should you do merge-mining with RSK?
25 Maio, 2018

RSK is the first smart contract platform built as a sidechain to Bitcoin that rewards the Bitcoin miners via merge-mining, allowing them to actively participate in the RSK Smart Contract ecosystem 1. There’s nothing you have to do that would make Bitcoin mining difficult RSK does not need special equipment to help us secure our […]

How to deploy a Smart Contract in RSK
11 Maio, 2018

By Alejandro Banzas This tutorial aims to help you install the required environment, code your first smart contract and deploy it to RSK network. If you find something unclear, or have ideas on how to improve this or new tutorials? Found this useful? Want to help building more tutorials? Have ideas? Feel free to contact […]

Bamboo Release V0.4.2 Is Here
7 Maio, 2018

A new RSK Bamboo release has been published in our Github repo. This release solves synchronization issues and introduces security improvements detected in previous version. Important note: If you are already running a previous version of RSKj, it’s strongly recommended to do a database reset and restart node. Also, if you are upgrading from 0.4.0, please check changes […]

Exchange Union & RSK Team Up!
27 Abril, 2018

Exchange Union is excited to announce a partnership with Rootstock (RSK), the first open-source smart contract platform powered by Bitcoin. The partnership paves the way for both parties to benefit from both technological and liquidity perspectives. RSK’s blockchain is secured by Bitcoin merge-mining, rewarding Bitcoin Miners with an additional revenue stream and allowing them to […]

Tech Infrastructure & Blockchain Technology: A Game Changer?
13 Abril, 2018

Billions of dollars are spent each and every year on tech infrastructure and the trend has been growing exponentially for the last five years. Cloud computing services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ali Cloud, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud are used on a daily basis by thousands of organizations, companies & individuals all over the […]