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The RSK Ambassador Program: Building The Internet Of Value Together

How can we solve problems that affect millions of people today?  What do we need in order to achieve this? Is it enough to solve the the technical challenges? 

Bitcoin was created to give economic freedom to individuals but also to set the foundations for the the construction of a new Internet transforming the transfer of value. Both RSK and RIF, were created as means to take this vision further with the hope that the new Internet of Value will foster prosperity and equality around the world.

Since its inception, Satoshi Nakamoto made it perfectly clear that this change would require a new mindset which would not succeed if the technical community didn’t use it for developing new solutions. There is one fact that is perfectly clear: The community is the core of the new Internet of Value.  

We are contributing to the ecosystem not only by building quality platforms and tools using Bitcoin’s technology, but also by creating new and better developer networks and educating people. Our Community Team, develops different initiatives to educate, inspire and motivate anyone in the world that shares our vision.

Through education initiatives, partnerships & events sponsoring, we are constantly working towards adoption and empowering people as well in order to become a great community.   The Internet of Value Ambassador Program is one of these initiatives. Anyone interested on spreading our vision can become one of our ambassadors and join us in our journey.

This is a quick summary of what becoming an ambassador entails:

  • Become a pioneer in the most secure and efficient smart contract platform.
  • Build a professional career as a consulting partner.
  • Be part of the RSK Ambassadors global community by sharing your ideas, experiences and partnerships.
  • Develop hackatons, meetups & events for your local community.
  • Get to know our expert team and work with them on some specific projects.
  • Be part of our exclusive benefits program for Ambassadors.

If you want to know more about the Ambassadors program, we invite you to apply here:


Join the revolution & become one of our Ambassadors.